On Tuesday we went to waihirere park on the bus. When we got there Sam the trap man was there to we went for a walk and we found lots of different foods to eat from in the bush. Lots of the food we could eat but one type of fern that could kill you but you can eat the roots. The other type of fern you can eat the baby ferns that looked like a curled up fern. After the walk we drunk some lemon balm tea with some other leafs. before we went to the play ground and I went down the slide that was about 8 meters long it went so fast that I fall off at the end. Next I went on the swings and found a hut with mania Raphelle Riarna and Natalie the pass word was reyo house. Then we went down to the river and found some koura and some water spiders. Then we went to the the water fall track and looked at the water fall and I put some water on my face it looked beautiful. On the way back I sadly rolled my ankle. when we got on the bus me and mania were asking each other what was our favourite thing my favourite thing was getting refreshed by the water fall manias favourite thing was making lemon balm tea on the top belly stove the tea smelled like lemon. Then on the Next day we ask the class what there favourite thing was
lost of people like the water fall. The day before we went to kaiti beach we found lots of sea snails and we found lots of sea lettuce and we found lots of shells and I found a tiny squid. Then we pick up rubbish along the beach I pick up a piece iron the was so Rusty that it got my t-shirt and shorts. Then we made sand castles ours was a Mountain with a slide down it. Then we tried some muscles that Mr swan cooked on a fire that was made out of iron and wood.
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